Small Enterprise Loans

Small Enterprise Loan

For member's small-scale domestic enterprise businesses, a loan of up to NPR 500,000 (five lakh) can be provided. This capital can be used to initiate small-scale production such as oil mills, small hotels, milling, sewing, handicrafts, handlooms, candle-making, soap-making, snacks, bamboo products, and small businesses. This loan will be referred to as a Small Enterprise Loan.

1.       Loan Tenure:

The maximum tenure for this type of loan will be up to 5 years.

2.       Grace Period:

A grace period of up to 3 months can be provided for this type of loan. However, interest must be paid according to the installment schedule during the grace period.

3.       Repayment Method:

The loan must be repaid in mandatory installments. Based on the project and the borrower's income analysis, monthly or quarterly installments will be applied by mutual agreement. However, the interest rate for monthly installments will be 1% less than that for quarterly installments.