Business Loan
provided for businesses such as import, export, wholesale trade,
mini-supermarkets, handicraft businesses, gold and silver trade, and
medium-scale purchase and sale shops are referred to as Business Loans.
a) Small
small businesses, loans of up to NPR 2,000,000 (two million rupees) can be
provided. The maximum tenure for this loan will be up to 5 years.
b) Medium
medium projects, loans of up to NPR 5,000,000 (five million rupees) can be
provided. The maximum tenure for this loan will be up to 7 years.
c) Large
large businesses, loans can be provided up to a maximum of 10% of the
institution's total core capital, with a maximum tenure of 10 years.
1. Repayment Method:
The loan must be
repaid in mandatory installments. Based on the analysis of the project and the
borrower's income, monthly or quarterly installments will be applied by mutual
agreement. The interest rate for monthly or quarterly installments will be 1% less
than other installment types. For this type of loan, at least 10% of the
approved loan amount must be reduced each year. However, for working capital
(revolving) loans, the borrower can repay and re-borrow within the approved
limit. The tenure for working capital loans will be up to 2 years, and after 1
year, a renewal fee will be charged for loan renewal. This repayment facility
will only be available to borrowers who have transacted with the institution at
least once and have not defaulted on previous loans. An additional 1% interest
will be charged on the designated interest rate for using this repayment