Agriculture and Livestock Farming Loan

Agriculture and Livestock Farming Loan

An integrated agricultural loan, which will include poultry farming, pig farming, fish farming, duck farming, beekeeping, agroforestry, vegetable farming, fruit farming, cash crops, food grains, purchase of agricultural tools, purchase of fertilizers, mushroom farming, flower farming, coffee farming, tea farming, nursery, and livestock farming loans.

1. Loan Limit and Duration:

The loan limit and duration under this heading will be maintained as follows:

a) Small Projects: Under small projects, loans up to a maximum of NPR 1,000,000 (One Million Rupees) can be provided, with a maximum tenure of 5 years.

b) Medium Projects: Under medium projects, loans up to a maximum of NPR 2,500,000 (Two and a Half Million Rupees) can be provided, with a maximum tenure of 7 years.

c) Large Projects: Under large projects, loans up to a maximum of NPR 5,000,000 (Five Million Rupees) can be provided, with a maximum tenure of 10 years.

2. Grace Period:

A grace period of up to 3 months can be provided for all the above-mentioned loans. However, interest payments must be made according to the installment schedule during the grace period.

3. Repayment Method:

The loan must be repaid in mandatory installments. Based on the analysis of the project and the borrower's income, monthly or quarterly installments will be implemented based on mutual agreement. However, the interest rate for monthly installments will be 1% lower than that for quarterly installments.